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Parents - This one is for YOU!

Sensei Sam Larioza

A Mom’s Story

Normally my monthly column is about parenting or raising kids but this time it is about something just as important – YOU!

I tell parents “Karate is even better for adults than kids!” Why? In short first - we all need a way to keep living our life on the “edge” instead of just feeling like we are going through the motions every day. Second - we need a vehicle to grow then feel strong and alive. Third - we all need a ”purpose” in our life and a “tribe” to share it with.

What prompted me was this recent email:

“After my son, Noah, started at the dojo I thought about doing karate myself. It took a few months but I started! I was SO nervous the first day, but quickly discovered this was a safe place to learn and make mistakes. Where else does this happen in the world of being an adult? I have found my new “tribe” of some of the most kind and caring people I’ve ever met.

Karate has quickly become a new way of life for me. My past had included some challenging times where I was made to think and feel by others that I wasn’t strong. I had once been a strong, fierce young woman but I realized I had become a woman who felt helpless and had lost the fierceness.

One evening, Sensei explained how he loves seeing people become strong, particularly women. So many women don’t believe they are strong or have been conditioned to believe they are weak or submissive. That was the moment in my training that I know I will remember forever.

I realized how much stronger I’d become. I carried myself differently. I walk differently. Those thoughts of helplessness had melted away, replaced with a fierceness I had not felt in years! I shed some tears that evening, hoping my classmate wouldn’t notice as I listened to Sensei. It took my breath away to suddenly see my true strength coming through. I felt like a warrior!

I’m like many parents. Working all day, being mom’s taxi, homework, going to activities and meetings. Even with all this, I still make time to go the dojo 2x a week. I'm a better mom, wife and person because I take a little time to do something for myself. My personal goals outside of work and family are so gratifying, especially when you have your family as raving fans. And what a great example for my girls!

So I wanted to tell all you amazing fellow tireless supermoms - What are you waiting for? What if you could experience a fraction of what I have in karate? It has brought out something in me that has always been there – a strong, kind, powerful women. We aren't just mama bears to our kids, we are strong warrior women who just need a special place to realize it. As Sensei always says - Women are the true warriors of our society!”

Jaimee F. – Mother of three, Milford

Isn’t Jaimee amazing! It got me thinking – “What if . . . ?” What if I could find a way to give every parent a chance to experience this? So here is what we are going to do - we are going to run a special series of “beginner adult” karate classes on Mondays & Wednesdays @ 7:30pm and Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 9:30am from January 15th through the end of February.

This is for any and all adults in our community! Come check out a class or two . . . or all of them at no charge. These are for all ages and fitness levels! No experience required. Call or email me if you are interested or want more info!

Don’t let the kids have all the fun,


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